The space between…

David Ophek
3 min readAug 15, 2021
Photo by Terry Vlisidis on Unsplash

What do a doughnut hole, a musical pause, and atomic bonds all have in common?


Dave Matthews, the seminal theorist on the space between declared (first published in 2009) that in the space between, “love is all we need here.” And that this space will be filled with time.

Love is a construct that establishes a connection between dissimilar objects. It grows weaker with distance and conversely stronger with proximity. The larger object tends to exert a greater natural effect on the other until they fall in together.

Time, as explained by Nassim Haramein, is the historical notation of an event along the time-space continuum. In other words, the concept of time is merely a shortened expression of a time-stamp.

The space between two atoms in motion may be quantized at a given time in the past but can only be estimated in the future based on the relationship between the atoms and the connection they share. The bonds themselves may constantly be shifting and reconstituting as determined by the state of affairs at play.

According to Mozart, the space between notes, the pauses or rests, is what actually creates and gives form to the music. The constant playing of a single note vibrating at a specific frequency does not constitute music. It is the inter-relationship between notes with…



David Ophek

…for what is creativity but the discovery of new data points found within a pre-existing pattern or framework